Why your Software Technical Quality is vital for Business Growth

Why your Software Technical Quality is vital for Business Growth 04/11/2022 4 MIN READ  / AuthorArtemios Kouniakis Software Consultant | code4thought Linkedin Is the Technical Quality of your Software Good Enough to Achieve Business Growth? The CEO’s Top 10 Strategic Business Priority Areas for 2022-2023 as given by “The Gartner survey of CEOs” puts tech-related […]

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Stop doing security the ‘right’ way

Stop doing security the ‘right’ way 06/04/2022 9 MIN READ  / AuthorAlex T. Zacharopoulos Head of  delivery and Innovation | code4thought Github Linkedin IntroductionMore than 75% of reported security incidents are caused by software mistakes, such as information leakage, execution of unauthorised transactions or service unavailability. These can lead to significant business damage both in

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Cloud Migration: Get on the trend with pragmatism and transparency

Cloud Migration: Get on the trend with pragmatism and transparency 05/04/2022 3 MIN READ  / AuthorYiannis Kanellopoulos CEO and Founder | code4thought Medium Linkedin The term “Cloud Migration” is becoming as popular and topical as “Digital Transformation” Migrating to the cloud is the process of moving all digital business operations there. It includes the transfer

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Why is investing in software product and system quality necessary?

Why is investing in software product and system quality necessary? 01/03/2022 4 MIN READ  / AuthorSpyros Nikolaou Head of Sales & Business Development Linkedin Companies, organisations and institutions are required to systematically check the quality of the software they produce. Today, software is part of our daily routine and its use is undoubtedly an important

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