


Enterprise Architecture Mapping

code4thought maps the technical aspects of your Enterprise Architecture through a set of visualizations & a series of sessions with team alignments at all levels
With this service we elicit all the relevant information from the involved parties, record this information in a well-known standard (like archimate), present it to the relevant stakeholders for validation and finally, deliver:
the Technical Enterprise Architecture of the organization, a visualization artifact describing the Application, Technology & Infrastructure landscapes of the organization & their dependencies
the Enterprise Architecture Risk Assessment, which identifies functional and technological risks of the Infrastructure and Application landscapes and includes proposed mitigation measures
The Technical Enterprise Architecture artifact is organized in different views expressing the different levels and includes:
– Application Landscape View
– Application Landscape View with dependencies
– Application Landscape View with Metadata
– Infrastructure Landscape with connections
– Cross-views mapping, which contains all layers as well as the connections between them
Through Enterprise Architecture Mapping, the organization gains and is able to maintain full control of its Enterprise Architecture.
This can be the starting point for optimization initiatives in terms of applications, licenses, vendors, storage etc resulting in improved efficiency and higher ROI of tech investments, as well as increased agility and innovation.
Moreover, Enterprise Architecture Mapping is the basis for Digital Transformation and Cloud Migration projects.

Structured approach and methodology

Conducting a service which is information-driven requires a process in order to ensure its successful execution while optimising the time spent from our clients’ participants. Our team follows a predefined and structured methodology for gathering, analysing and visualizing the Enterprise architecture of an organization that ensures the optimal delivery of the service.

Based on TOGAF and Zachman Framework

The EAM service uses selectively the best parts (according to our experts) of proven methodologies such as TOGAF and the Zachman frameworks.
When it comes to deliverables EAM provides editable assets (views) in the well defined standard of Archimate ® as defined by the OpenGroup and followed by the TOGAF methodology

Updatable & customizable deliverables

The Artifact is delivered in client’s requested format such as in or visual paradigm and is fully editable for updates and changes. Special requests regarding research questions & deliverables can be incorporated.

Bridging the knowledge of Business and IT

Our approach focuses on aligning all levels and sides of the organization from Business to Software applications and to the Engine room (physical IT infrastructure).
Also, our presentations/deliverables are relevant to the stakeholders of all levels of the organization, from the tech leads and developers to the C-level executives.
Last but not least our expert advisors translate the technical risks and recommendations on the depicted enterprise architecture to comprehensive business advice for supporting the informed decision making of the client organization.

Enabler for wider scale technology improvements
and digital transformation projects

EAM can form the basis for wider-scale projects, whose goal is to improve an organization’s technology, such as Cloud Migration & Digital Transformation initiatives. Furthermore, code4thought has the ability to leverage the derived recommendations from executing the EAM service with the help of our other services, such as Software Quality and Risk Assessment.