Software Quality
& Risk Services
*in partnership with SIG

The rigid analysis of SIGRID in combination with the high caliber know-how of our software engineering advisors gives us the capability to evaluate and to monitor the quality of software systems at every stage of their life cycle, whether they are purchased, built or just operated.
In this type of services we get to the root cause of complex IT issues, provide our clients with practical strategies and a roadmap for improvement. Additionally we provide constant support and advisory for monitoring the implementation of the identified improvements based on our roadmap. Throughout the duration of either a Software Quality and Risk Assessment or a Monitor project, our fact-based analysis goes from bit to boardroom, providing the right people with the relevant insights.
Software Quality & Risk Assessment (SRA)
Type of project: One-off
Addressing complex
IT issues at the root
Our experts begin the Software Risk Assessment by digging deep into the source code to analyze structural issues. Based on these results, we then perform in-depth analysis to reveal the root causes of core issues. The client’s most pressing questions are answered and included in our final report deliverable.
Typically, the Software Quality & Risk Assessment service provides analyses on the Maintainability, Performance Efficiency, Reliability and Usability software quality criteria as defined by the ISO 25010 standard. These analyses provide the insights for analyzing complex IT-issues.
Our Software Quality & Risk Assessment service follows a proven, fact-based method for enhancing IT strategy and informed decision-making. It provides the following benefits:
Insight from bit to boardroom, so no technical jargon for the decision makers and budget holders
The Sigrid analysis platform provides high-level portfolio overviews of code-level violations as well as deep-dive findings around aspects such as system architecture. Whether it’s the CIO or the last developer, all stakeholders get the appropriate insight.
Independent, objective advisory, so no strings attached with software vendors or big tech companies
Our team provides actionable advice and recommendations that are independent, impartial and objective. We have no stake in the outcome and focus only on the facts.
Pragmatic and actionable suggestions for improvements, so no theoretical or out of context advice
Our guidance and recommendations are practical, pragmatic and can lead to visible improvements in Sigrid, the software assurance platform of SIG, our partner. That means you can start your improvement plan right away alongside with our guidance and advisory
A benchmarked score for a software system, so no politics and discussions on what and how to measure
The results of our software measurements are compared with those of the 6,500 systems and 50+ billion lines of code in SIG’s software analysis database, giving our clients immediate insight into how their software systems stack up against the market.
Support for 350+ technologies
From Cobol and PL/SQL via Java and .NET to Outsystems and Mendix, Sigrid supports more than 350 programming languages. That makes it the most comprehensive code quality tool available.
Our team is able to perform a plethora of specialized analyses, which provide deep insight into the state of your IT landscape and input for improvement programs.
Root-cause analysis
Resolving complex IT-issues requires a proper factual analysis that brings all facts to the table. Our expert consultants analyze your IT-landscape and associated processes to get to the root of any issue. Our fact-based reports will align your organization to address the root causes immediately.
Scenario development & analysis
Rebuild, restructure or remove? That’s often the key question in managing IT issues. Our team of advisors develops and analyzes realistic scenarios and provides factual and financial background on the best option – crucial insight that can never be lacking in IT strategy.
Cost estimation
It’s good to know where your improvement opportunities are within your IT-landscape, but the next step is the financial story. Can you afford the changes? And what will be your return on investment? Based on our prior analysis, we are able to price improvement scenarios and calculate ROI factors, something invaluable to any improvement program.
ISO 25010 Capabilities
As an accredited ISO 17025 laboratory, SIG provides testing and analyses on the Maintainability, Performance Efficiency, Reliability and Usability quality characteristics of ISO 25010. These analyses provide the insight for analyzing complex IT-issues.
Development Process Assessment
To write great code, you need top tooling and solid processes to support your developers. Our team can analyze the practices used by your development teams and benchmark them against the industry. Based on our detailed analysis, you can make improvements that will positively impact your time to market.
Go-live predictability
You’ve promised a release date, but will it be ready in time? Our team can analyze the current project progress and predict the go-live date. This provides invaluable knowledge about the chance of timely delivery. And if your delivery date is at risk for running behind, we can recommend mitigation strategies.
Software Quality & Risk Monitoring and Advisory (SRM)
Type of project: Constant
Constant support on
improving your applications
In this service, our team provides constant and actionable advice for your (or your vendors’) development teams in order to improve the quality of your applications and keep them at peak performance. We do so by combining our advisors’ expertise and software assurance platform, Sigrid.
Gain control over
your business-critical applications
Getting software right should be a key objective in any IT organization. Sigrid, our software assurance platform, provides the ideal monitoring capability for continuous improvement. But guidance on software improvement is also crucial to foster a development culture that puts code quality front and center. Our experienced consultants guide development teams to achieving high software quality and improve performance along the way.

Our Software Quality & Risk Monitoring and Advisory service follows a proven, fact-based method for enhancing IT strategy and informed decision-making. It provides the following benefits:
Expert Advisory
Our team has the authority and credentials in the area of software assurance. Combined with Sigrid, the leading technology in the field, we can guide your organization to the next level in IT agility.
Prioritized actions without a flood of violations
Sigrid is configured with the help of our advisors to provide you a prioritized list of clear actions, not a firehose of findings overloading your developers.
Pragmatic and actionable suggestions for improvements, so no theoretical or out of context advice
Our guidance and recommendations are practical, pragmatic and can lead to visible improvements in Sigrid, the software assurance platform of SIG, our partner. That means you can start your improvement plan right away alongside with our guidance and advisory
A benchmarked score for a software system, so no politics and discussions on what and how to measure
The results of our software measurements are compared with those of the 6,500 systems and 50+ billion lines of code in SIG’s software analysis database, giving our clients immediate insight into how their software systems stack up against the market.
Support for 350+ technologies, so surprise us
From Cobol and PL/SQL via Java and .NET to Outsystems and Mendix, Sigrid supports more than 350 programming languages. That makes it the most comprehensive code quality tool available.
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