

AI Technology
Due Diligence

Identification of the hidden risks and opportunities that stem from the AI technology itself is an imperative in performing a complete Due Diligence of an AI company or system.
These risks:
– cannot be assessed through any other type of analysis and method
– require expert tooling & knowledge
– may have significant impact on the investment value
The data-driven analysis of PyThia in combination with the expertise of our AI engineers and advisors help us identify the hidden AI-related risks and opportunities for a given investment.
PyThia, our own proprietary AI-testing platform, enables the analysis of any type of data and AI models based on the ISO 29119-11 international standard for testing AI-based systems.
We dig deep into the AI model and the data it utilizes in order to provide a comprehensive overview of all relevant aspects of an AI system, so that our clients can understand what’s going on in the AI model/algorithm itself. Our analysis focuses on:
  • Quality: What is the system’s performance and how it is being measured?
  • Trustworthiness
    • Bias Testing: Are there any unwanted patterns in the data or the model being used?
    • Explainability Analysis: The provision of explanations on how the system’s decisions are being derived
  • Security: Testing the level of Robustness of the target system.
Based on these results, as well as our clients’ own business context, our advisors develop a full AI risk profile and actionable, prioritized recommendations to ensure their objectives stay on track.
AI technology risk analysis
We identify and evaluate AI-related findings — not only the obvious main frameworks in use, but also crucial processes/steps such as data analysis and preparation, model’s deployment and so on. Subsequently we translate these findings into business risks alongside with the respective mitigation measures.
Context-specific analysis
In such analysis we clarify the future adaptability, scalability, and integration ability of the target company’s AI-model, giving our clients a factual and context-specific basis to understand the feasibility and likely costs of future growth.
Post-transaction improvement roadmap
A topline set of recommendation regarding improvement areas. Our guidance is practical, pragmatic and can lead to measurable results, that can be confirmed through our platform, PyThia. That means you can start your improvement plan right away alongside our guidance and advisory.
Identification of the hidden risks and opportunities that stem from the AI technology itself.
These risks cannot be assessed through any other type of analysis and method and may have significant impact on the investment value.
Insight into other due diligence streams
With our AI DD, whether it’s a business executive or a machine learning engineer, all stakeholders get the appropriate insight. Especially for the former, the outcome of our work provides experts in other workstreams irreplaceable insights into everything affecting CAPEX and OPEX projections, to AI system’s quality and level of trustworthiness on its way of working.
Reliable tools & methodology
PyThia analysis of data & AI model is based on the ISO 29119-11 international standard for testing AI-based systems and is combined with our extensive experience in performing IT Due Diligence for corporations in various industries.
Customizable service
Should you have any particular concerns and/or additional research questions and aspects that you would like to study and further delve into, we can always accommodate a suitable solution.
Combination with IT Due Diligence
If required, our AI Technology Due Diligence can be effectively combined with our IT Due Diligence service, diving deeply in all digital assets and delivering full scale and complete evaluation.
Following a successful acquisition, we can combine our leading tooling with our expertise to optimize your assets for growth and efficiency.